1. Have a quick peak at your current marketing…
The photos, property description and brochure. Do they need improving? It could well be that employing a professional photographer would improve matters. Rewrite the description and include quotes, historical anecdotes and any other human interest element that might intrigue a potential buyer.
2. Call your agent…
Always good to be at the front of their mind, maybe ask them why you haven’t had a viewing this week. Request regular feedback and work on that. Don’t forget to ask for a copy of the Rightmove Property Report.
3. Take the property off the market for a bit…
May seem radical, but it just may offer an opportunity to revamp your marketing materials, for a real boost when you go back to market. I would suggest a week off the market for every month you’ve been for sale. Upon your re-launch, an email alert will hit the inboxes of buyers who have registered with Rightmove and other portals – this alone will help encourage viewings.
Remember, by taking action, you are taking control of your own house sale.
Please contact me with any questions – just email me on john@tapestates.com,
call 01304 20 66 66 or complete the contact us form here